
A Biblical Theology of the New Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

This collection represents a collaborative effort by a group of theologians from Dallas Theological Seminary to demonstrate divine truth, inductively and progressively, through successive eras of human history. The team of writers demonstrate a high view of Scripture and a commitment to the proposition that sound systematic theology must find its roots in a properly undertaken biblical theology.

not because of the righteous activities of human merit (v. 5; cf. Rom. and Gal. where law-keeping is discounted), but because of His grace, mercy, and love (1 Tim. 1:12–16; Titus 3:5). Lea has rightly captured this truth when he affirmed, “Salvation depends solely and completely on God’s grace, displayed in ‘his mercy,’ revealed and achieved by his Son, Jesus Christ, and applied to humankind by the Holy Spirit.”61 This is the only passage in the Pastorals where all three members of the Trinity
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